30th Annual Midwest Instruction and Computing Symposium
April 17-19, 1997
University of Wisconsin-Parkside
Kenosha, WI

Table Of Contents

The Alienation of Women from Computers

Maureen McKnight

Assisting Faculty to Develop Instructional Models

Sandy Sprafka

Constructivism and the Development of Multimedia Applications

Mark Plano Clark

A CS-1 Course Using Delphi

Rhonda Ficek

Effective Web Page Design

Wendy Edwards

Evaluating Active Learning in Computer Science: The First Steps

Gary McDonald

Experiences with a Senior Capstone Course in Computer Science

Lynda Thomas

Evaluation of a Vector of Metrics Through a Software Engineering Validation Experiment

Z. Sayeed

Faculty and Student Perceptions About Web-Based Instruction

Frank Dooley

Faculty Supporting Faculty: A Model for Integrating Technology into Instruction

Susan H. Gammill

A Fuzzy Database System for Predicting Disease Outbreak

Manuel A. Penaloza

GIS & AI in the Analysis & Prediction of Disease Outbreaks

Group Semester Pojects in CS1 and CS2

Here's Looking at You: Self Expression and Facial Prominence on the World Wide Web

Debbi K. Amadeck

HTML Software Scaling System

Christopher G. Brown

Identifying Eurasian Watermilfoil from Computer Images

Katherine Di Crocco

Implementing an ATM Traffic Monitoring Tool

Yen Yen Lim

Improving Software Maintenance

Narayan C. Debnath

An Inexpensive Networking and Operating Systems Laboratory

Michael J. Lancaster

Infusing Information Technology in University Courses: Preparing Students as Curriculum/Technology Mentors to Assist Faculty

Sally Standiford

Instant ResNet: How to Bring Up a 3,200-node Ethernet Network in Your Residence Halls in Three Months

Michael D. Bauer

Integrating 100 Mbs Technology to the Workgroup Via 100 Mbs Bridges

Dennis Guster

Integrating the World Wide Web into the Curriculum

Kathleen S. Finder

Interface Development as a Method for Specifying System Functionality

Michelle Lohse

Learning-By-Modification: The Object-Oriented Approach At Work

Eugene Sheng

Liveness Testing for Video Conferencing on the Internet

Rod Hulm

Managing ATM Networks with a Graphical User Interface

Amyn Pirani

Maximizing Educational Benefits With W3 In a Small College Setting

Jay Hettiarachchy

Maximizing Your Multimedia Efforts

Nancy Lilleberg

NDSU's New Web Server

Paul L. Juell

A New Look at the Experience and Expression of Emotion by Women and Men Using Computer-Mediated Communication: Implications for Learning Organizations and Suggestions for Further Inquiry

Mary Ann Zarrett

The "Paperless" Classroom

Richard E. Peshke

A Paperless Course in Physics

C. W. Hutchings

A Parallel Processing Course: The Real Thing!

Milton C. Wilkstrom

Personal Computing on Public Machines--How to Maintain Desktop Integrity in Student Computing Labs

Mary Jo deMeza

Service Learning Project Integrating Computers into the Elementary Classroom

Sandy Bader

Simulation Studies of a Parallel Scheduling Algorithm

Joe Lee

Software Development Projects: An Interdisciplinary Experience

Jim Schnepf

STL in CS Curriculum

John Hitchcock

A Study of How Computer Technology is Integrated into the Management/Business Curriculum at Four Year Colleges and Universities in Minnesota

Jamie Sue Partridge

Survey Class for User Oriented Topics

Janet M. Drake

Teaching Modeling to Undergraduate Biology Majors

Jim Eckblad

Three Practical Applications of Computer-Aided Multimedia

Dan Keller

Under Construction: Designing for the World Wide Web

Andrew L. Hanson

Using Delphi for Computer Aided Instruction in Geography

Steve Ottmar

Using GUI Programming to Reinforce Software Engineering Principles

James P. Kelsh

Virtual Project Management

Terry Krile

The Web Paper as an Alternative to the Traditional Term Paper Assignment in a Social Science Classroom

Ross F. Collins

Windows Based Microcode Simulator For Use in Introductory Computer Architecture

Wayne Mowers

Year Two of NDSU's Instructional Web Project

Paul L. Juell

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