31st Annual Midwest Instruction and Computing Symposium

April 16-18, 1998
Concordia College - Moorhead, MN
Moorhead State University - Moorhead, MN
North Dakota State University - Fargo, ND
Northwest Technical College - Moorhead, MN

Table Of Contents

Keynote Sessions

Academic Planning: IT as aStrategic Asset in Higher Education

William Graves-President of the COLLEGIS Research Institute

Something Old, Something New,Something Borrowed, Something Blue in Distance Education

Chere Campbell Gibson-Continuing Education and Vocational Education,University of Wisconsin-Madison

Workshop Sessions

Engaging Learners with Multimedia

Nancy Lilleberg-NDSU Multimedia Coordinator,

Gail Melberg-NW Tech EGF Director of Medical Laboratory Technology Program

Exploring Videoconferencing

Joel Writer-NDSU Distance Education Technical Coordinator

Web Course Development Tools

Felix Guerrero-NDSU Multimedia/Graphics Technician,

J.Ludvik Herrera Lopez-NDSU Webmaster,

Tony Sorum-NW Tech EGF Director of the Respiratory Care PractitionerProgram

Establishing Distance Educationat Your Institution

Henry Borysewicz,-UND Distance Education Coordinator, Space Studies

Stephen Johnson-UND Assistant Progessor of Space Studies

Jacqueline Serrao-UND Assistant Professor of Aviation

Using Instructional Design Principlesto Integrate Technology into the Classroom

Elizabeth Smith-NDSU Instructional Designer

Concurrent Sessions

A Case-Based Design for aGame Player

Paul Juell, Patrick Paulson: North Dakota StateUniversity

A Course on Genetic Algorithmsfor Seniors and Graduate Students

Bryant Julstrom: St. Cloud State University

A Pilot Study: Offering a WebCourse at a Small, Liberal Arts College

Jamie Partridge: College of St. Benedict/St.John's University

A Study of Techniques for IntroducingConcurrency into List Processing Library Routines in Modern ConcurrentFunctional Programming Languages

Brent Heeringa, Scott Lewandowski: Universityof Minnesota, Morris

A Superdisplay Project

Mark Pavicic: North Dakota State University

A Team Approach to MultimediaDesign, Development, Testing and Evaluation: NDSU's New Center for AcademicInformation Technology

James Ross: North Dakota State University

Advanced Microcontroller InterfacingLaboratory

Bryan Infanger, Robert Gammill, Val Tareski:North Dakota State University

Algorithm Animation using Java

Dean Patten: University of Northern Iowa

Application of Active Networksin Distributed Systems

Faruq Rahman, Robert Gammill: North Dakota StateUniversity

Beyond a First Course in WindowsProgramming: Why, How, and What?

James Kelsh, Roger Lee: Central Michigan University

Bringing Streaming Media to Campus

Aaron Korb: Doane College

Converting a Course's Presentationsfrom Legacy Material to the Web

Paul Juell: North Dakota State University

Deploying Port Manageable Hubsto Create Virtual LAN's to Improve Network Performance in a General EducationComputer Lab

Dennis Guster, Aaron Shiltz: St. Cloud StateUniversity

Design Patterns in Java: SutherlandA Software Framework for Evolutionary Computation

Nicholas McPhee, Nicholas Hopper, Mitchell Reierson:University of Minnesota, Morris

Development of Daily Homeworkand Quiz Manager (DHQM) for Enhancing Teaching/Learning in Large Classes

Nem Schlecht, Sudhir Mehta: North Dakota StateUniversity

Flood! Recovering from a NaturalDisaster of Epic Proportions!

Doris Bornhoeft: University of North Dakota

Five Exercises for IncorporatingMoral and Ethical Issues into the Computer Science Curriculum

Milton Wickstrom: Wartburg College

Global Information Society: AMultidisciplinary Course

Milton Wickstrom:  Wartburg College

Impact of Technology on QuantitativelyOriented Business Classes

Jayavel Sounderpandian: University of Wisconsin- Parkside

Integrating Technology into ComputerInformation Systems Classroom Instruction-What Works and What Doesn't

Jay Hettiarachchy: Valley City State University

Interactive Mathematics Laboratory

William Farmer:  St. Cloud State University

Internet Research in the Humanities:Teaching Critical Thinking to First Year Students

Molly Pederson, David Sprunger: Concordia College

Measuring Learning Outcomes ina Competency-Based CS 2 Course

Sue Fitzgerald: Metropolitan State University

Multi-facet Distance EducationServices for Educational Leadership (Panel)

Ronald Stammen: North Dakota State University;Burton Nygren, Dennis Van Berkum: Moorhead State University

NetApp - A Client/Server ApplicationBuilder

Hossein Hakimzadeh, Steve Hartman: Indiana UniversitySouth Bend

Networking Option within theMIS Concentration

Stephen Hawk: University of Wisconsin - Parkside

Notebook Computers for Students:Planning and Implementation on Two Campuses

Ray Brown, Linda Brown, Gary Hagen: MayvilleState University; Joe Tykwinski: Valley City State University

Organizing for the UniversityWeb Site

Stephen Hawk: University of Wisconsin - Parkside

Participation in NCSTRL: A DigitalLibrary Experience

Dennis Amundson: North Dakota State University

Planet Oit: a Virtual Environmentand Educational Role-playing Game to
Teach Geosciences

Brian Slater, Donald Schwert, Bernhardt Saini-Eidukat,Phil McClean, Jon Abel, John Bauer, Brian gietzen, Nathan Green, YongxinJia, Tammy Kavli, Lucas Koehntop, Bhaskar Marthi, Vidyalatha Nagareddy,Acey Olson, Kishore Peravali, Daniel Turany, Brad Vender, James Walsh:North Dakota State University

Preparing Computer Science Graduatesfor the PC World

John Russo: Indiana University South Bend

Providing Universal Student Accessto Technology: A summary of Alternative Models

Ray Brown: Mayville State University; PhillipHeeler, Roger Von Holzen: Northwest Missouri State University

Security and Flexibility: ComputerLabs in a Small College

Kevin Olson:  North Dakota State University

Security Policies: What CampusManagers Need to Know

Melanie Abbas:  University of Northern Iowa

Senior Research Paper

Jean Mehta:  Saint Xavier University

Smiley: A Web-based Remote SensingData Mining System

William Perrizo:  North Dakota State University

Software Engineering ClassesDevelop an Outcome Assessment Software Tool

Janet Drake, Eric VanDaele: University of NorthernIowa

Solving the Puzzle of MatchingContent to Technology

Betsy Draper, Denise Peterson, Madeleine Rose: South Dakota State University

Student Technology Teams (Panel)

Rhonda Ficek:  Moorhead State University;James Ross, Elizabeth Smith:  North Dakota State University

Surfin' the Net: A Personal FinanceClass Project

Mary Hallquist:  Concordia College

Surviving SPSS on the Desktop

Catherine Roraff:  University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire

Teamwork in Computer ScienceClasses:Advantages and Problems (Panel)

Janet Drake: University of Northern Iowa; JimSchnepf: College of St. Benedict/St. John's University; Karen Sutherland:University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse; Milton Wikstrom: Wartburg College

Technology, Learning, and EquityIssues (Panel)

Dennis Van Berkum:  Moorhead State University;Burton Nygren, Sally Sologuk:  North Dakota State University

Time & Space IndependentLearning: On-Line Course Offerings at a Small Liberal Arts College - AStatus Report

Michael Konneman, Lynda Thomas, Gerald Isaacs:Carroll College

Using Faculty to Provide TechnologicalLeadership and Support: A Critical ReviewPanel

Mark Covey, Deborah Sullivan-Trainor:  ConcordiaCollege

Using Hash Tables to InvestigateZipf's Law

John Weiss, Roger Johnson:  South DakotaSchool of Mines and Technology

Virtual Dragon Days: Web-basedRegistration and Orientation

Jeanne Alm, Les Bakke, Stacy Grim:  MoorheadState University

Virtual Lecture, Virtual Laboratory,or Virtual Lesson?

Curt Hill:  Valley City State University;Brian Slator:  North Dakota State University

Web and Database Integrationfor the Delivery of Dynamic Information (on aBudget)

Nem Schlecht:  North Dakota State University

Year Three of NDSU's InstructionalWeb Project

Paul Juell, James Ross:  North Dakota StateUniversity

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