of Agreement
- ARTICLE 1: Name
The board of Directors referred in Article VII of Articles of Incorporation
of the Midwest Instruction and Computing Symposium shall be called the
Steering Committee, herein called the Committee, for the Midwest
Instruction and Computing Symposium.
- ARTICLE 2: Purpose
The purpose of the Committee is to foster widespread use of computers for
instruction in small colleges and universities primarily through
sponsorship of symposium called the Midwest Instruction and Computing
- ARTICLE 3: Membership
- Section 1
Membership on the Committee is open to persons with a background and
interest in the use of computers in higher education. Each member of the
committee will normally be expected to maintain an affiliation with one
or more institutions of higher education.
- Section 2
Membership on the Committee is attained through election by the Committee
and is for an indeterminate term. Normally one is elected as Symposia
Chairperson-Elect concomitantly with the acceptance of a proposal to host
the symposia. However, nothing preclu des the Committee from electing to
membership anyone qualified under Section 1 of the article. Election to
membership will be by simple majority of a quorum (as defined in Article
5, Section 3) at the regular Spring meeting of the Committee.
- Section 3
Termination of membership will normally be resignation. In the event that
a member is judged no longer to meet the qualifications for membership as
defined in Section 1, he/she may be removed from the Committee provided
the issue of his/her removal is on the published agenda of the meeting
sent to all members with the meeting announcement. In the event that a
member misses four consecutive meetings of the Committee, the issue of
his/her removal must be placed on the agenda of the next regular Spring
meeti ng of the Committee.
- ARTICLE 4: Officers
- Section 1
Officers must be members of the Committee.
Officers shall be:
- President:
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Symposia Chairperson
- Symposia Chairperson-elect
- Section 2
Election of officers will be held at the Committee meeting during the
annual Symposia and they will take office at the conclusion of the
Symposia. Offices of Committee President, Treasurer and Secretary shall
be elected for three (3) year terms. These ele ctions shall be staggered
so that only one (1) officer need be elected each year. Initially the
Treasurer shall be elected in 1985, the Secretary in 1986 and the
President in 1987.
- Section 3
Resignations by officers, other than the President, must be submitted in
writing to the President. A President's resignation will be submitted to
the Treasurer. The President has the authority to appoint an officer to
temporarily fill a vacancy as a resul t of resignation. A vacancy of the
office of President will be filled temporarily by the Treasurer who shall
assume the authority and responsibility of the President.
- Section 4
The President shall call and preside over meetings. The Treasurer shall
be the financial officer of the Committee and have the responsibility for
the accounts and assets of the Committee. The Secretary shall maintain
meeting records and be responsible for Committee correspondence as
designated by the President.
- ARTICLE 5: Meetings
- Section 1
The Committee will normally meet twice a year. Once in the spring in
conjunction with each Symposia and once in the fall at a time and place designated
by the President.
- Section 2
The President shall provide each member of the Committee with
notification of meetings at least 10 days prior to the day of the
meeting. Members must be present to vote.
- Section 3
A quorum shall be defined as those members present.
- ARTICLE 6: Symposium
- Section 1
The Committee will normally sponsor one symposia each year.
- Section 2
The Steering Committee will hear presentations from prospective host
institutions each year at the pre-symposia committee meeting. Presentations
will be made for a symposia site two years prior to the date of the
- Section 3
The symposia site and date will be approved by a simple majority of a
quorum of the Committee at which time a representative from the host
institution will be elected to the Committee (if (s)he does not currently
- Section 4
A prospective host institution's presentation must include a symposia
financial plan indicating anticipated income, anticipated expenses and
institutional contributions. The prospective host institution must
stipulate it assumes all symposia financial res ponsibilities without
recourse to the committee. This does not preclude the Committee from
providing pre-symposia support as provided for in Section 6 of this
article or post-symposia reimbursement as provided for in this Section.
The prospective host ins titution must stipulate it will turn over all
net income (i.e. income minus expenses not including any institutional
contributions) to the Committee.
Within six months following the symposia, the host institution must
submit a symposia financial report and all net income to the Committee
Treasurer. The full symposia registration fee shall include a
predetermined amount to cover the cost of one copy of the Proceedings.
The total cost of the Proceedings shall be considered as a symposia
expense. Within nine months following the symposia, the host institution
may request a reimbursement from the committee for additional related
symposia expenses not inclu ded in the symposia financial plan and/or
report. In no case shall reimbursement for such expenses exceed the
unencumbered assets of the treasury.
- Section 5
The Symposia Chairperson shall collect and review the papers and compile
and reproduce the proceedings.
- Section 6
The Committee may lend money, upon written request, to the host
institution. The institution must agree to repay the Committee.
- Section 7
The Committee will assist the Symposia Chair(s). This may include
chairing sessions, paper solicitation, publicity, theme, and paper
- ARTICLE 7: Finances
- Section 1
The Treasurer shall be in charge of the assets of the organization and
give a full report of income and expenditures at each meeting.
- Section 2
Funds may be dispersed from the treasury only by approval of a majority
vote of the Committee, except that the Treasurer may spend up to $300 in
one year without prior approval.
- Section 3
Accounting for the stock of the assets of past symposium shall be the
responsibility of the Treasurer.
- ARTICLE 8: Committees
There shall be no standing committees.
- ARTICLE 9: Adoption and
These articles of agreement shall be adopted and amended by a two-thirds
majority of a quorum of the Committee.