Items to be Addressed:
- Conference Purpose:
The Midwest Instruction and Computing Symposium was established to foster
the teaching and use of computing in small colleges and universities.
- Scheduling:
The conference must be held sometime during March, April or May.
Traditionally the conference has been held on Friday and Saturday to
reduce faculty release time.
- Location:
The MICS is intended to be a regional conference, covering particularly the
upper Midwest states of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, North Dakota, and
South Dakota, so the conference must be held in one of these states.
- Proximity to other
It is desirable that there be a number of colleges within easy traveling
distance from a host site.
- Transportation facilities:
Adequate transportation to and from the host site must be available -
either as a regularly scheduled system or the host site must provide
special arrangements.
- Accommodations:
Suitable accommodations for at least 200 people must be available. It is
preferable that most participants are housed in one location, at which
part or all of the conference is held.
- Institutional Support:
The institution must be responsible for financial liabilities incurred by
the conference. It is strongly recommended that the institution provide
personnel, facilities, and resource support for planning and executing the
- Faculty Support:
It is desirable that the host institution have active computer use in a broad
range of disciplines, computer science, sciences, humanities, and
business; and that there is strong faculty support for the conference.
Application Procedure:
An institution must provide the following documents to be considered a host
site applicant:
- A letter of willingness from
the person with fiscal responsibility from the institution stating
willingness to provide financial responsibility for the conference by covering losses over $2,000, agree
to return half of the profits to the steering committee, and most important, time for
the proposed chairperson to successfully prepare and execute the
- A proposed budget.