Programming Contest Rules
Each team must register for the programming contest in addition to each team member registering for the
conference. Each team must have a faculty coach who is also registered for the conference. Each team may
consist of 3, 2, or 1 people, but each team is limited to a single computer.
Teams on-site at the conference need to use their own WiFi-capable laptop. (If a team does not have a laptop,
they can request a laptop in advance and one will be made available for them.) Teams participating remotely
must be monitored by their faculty coach.
The programming contest will be three hours in duration and will be scored according to the standard rules
associated with the ACM programming contests. The team correctly solving the most problems within the three
hours will be declared the winner. In the event that more than one team solves the most problems, the team
solving them in the least amount of time is declared the winner. Each incorrect submission results in a 20-
minute time penalty, so it is important that teams minimize incorrect submissions.
During the contest, the network must only be used to submit contest problems or questions and get responses
from the contest officials. Students will not be allowed to use any electronic devices. These include, but are not
limited to, calculators, cellular phones, and other computers. Teams may not bring CDs, DVDs, USB flash drives,
or any other form of digital media. Teams may bring textbooks and paper documents. Teams may also use any
programming language documentation that has been installed on their contest computer.
All programs must read all input from “standard input” and write all output to “standard output”. For each
problem, your submission must consist of a single source file using either Java, Python 3, or C/C++ as the
programming language. Programs should not utilize non-standard libraries or modules.