35th Annual Midwest Instruction and Computing Symposium

MICS 2002 Program


Title of Paper

Abuhejleh, Ahmad

New Ways of Thinking about Multimedia and Online Teaching in Higher Education

Ashbacher, Charles

Programming Examples In Java for the Teaching of Operating

Backeberg, David

A Beowulf Cluster for Ray-tracing and Stereographic Visualization: Issues and Implementation

Baruth, Andrew

Developing a Web-based Tutorial System for Physics Education

Bauer, Mick

IS Security and Universities: How We Can Fill a Frightening Gap

Betz, Anthony

How fast is gigabit over copper?

Carpenter, Dan

Design and Implementation of a Decidable Peer-to-Peer File-Sharing Network

Claason, Timothy

Comparing the Performance of Three Network Protocols for File Transfer

East, Philip

Questions to Enhance Active Learning in Computer Science Instruction

Engebretson, Alec J.

On the use of Developmental Portfolios for Growth and Assessment

Faux, Rob

Facilitating Online Asynchronous Discussions

Faux, Rob

Using PEGs as an Alternative Approach for Course Projects

Fienup, Mark

Questions to Enhance Active Learning in Computer Science Instruction

Garfield, Alan

Symposium Session - Electronic Health Records in Europe: A Vision for Tomorrow

Gibbons, Tom

Using Graphics in the First Year of Programming with C++

Gibbs, David C.

Creating an Online Course Evaluation Website

Gray, Paul

How fast is gigabit over copper?

Gray, Paul

Adhoc Networks

Hauck, Jeff

Codename OCT: The Organic Chemistry Tutor

Hettiarachchy, Jay

Promoting Analytical Thinking with Technology in a Changing Classroom

Hettiarachchy, Jay

What it's like to Evaluate Computer Information Systems Courses Online

Hill, Curt

Experience with GUI Programming in Lower Level Classes

Hunt, Kenny

Scientific Visualization of Polygonal Knots

Jonen, Aaron

Creating an Online Course Evaluation Website

Julstrom, Bryant

Ackermann's Function in the Numbers of 1s Generated by Green's Machines

Khan, Mynul

Comparing the Performance of Clustering Algorithms

Kinney, Janet

Design and Development of Scheme Unit Testing Framework

Krohn, Jake

Ant Algorithm Parallelization

Krohn, Karl J.

Design and Testing of Parallel/Distributed Precedence Tree Scheduling

Landgraf, Lisa M.

A Voice Browser Interface for Course Materials

Lewandowski, Scott

Codename OCT: The Organic Chemistry Tutor

Lewandowski, Scott

Design and Development of Scheme Unit Testing Framework

Lopez, A.A.

Wireless LAN

Lopez, Dian R.

Design and Testing of Parallel/Distributed Precedence Tree Scheduling

Lunde, Eric

Scientific Visualization of Polygonal Knots

Makalew, Stanley

Making Interactive Prediction Count in Algorithm Visualization - Yes, It will be on the Test!

Marsh, Ronald

FractalNet: A Neural Network Approach to Fractal Geometry

Meysenburg, Mark M.

Using Open Software for Software Engineering Class Projects

Mims, Ted

Hands-on Laboratory Based Networking Courses

Mowe, Richard E.

Hello World Client and Server Applications

Naps, Thomas L.

Making Interactive Prediction Count in Algorithm Visualization - Yes, It will be on the Test!

Nelson, Joel

Design and Testing of Parallel/Distributed Precedence Tree Scheduling

Noman, Zubair

Comparing the Performance of Clustering Algorithms

O'Brien, Daniel D.

Design and Testing of Parallel/Distributed Precedence Tree Scheduling

O'Neil, Thomas E.

An Abstract Java Class for Device Independent Speech Output

Penna, Ross

Evolving Evolutionary Tree Computation

Ramadani, Ahmad

Comparing the Performance of Clustering Algorithms

Ranum, David L

Symposium Session - Computer Science and Information Technology: Striking a Balance

Salah, Akram I.

Engineering an Academic Program in Software Engineering

Schomer, Michael

Comparing the Performance of Three Network Protocols for File Transfer

Tahir, Muhammad Rizwan

Adhoc Networks

von Mosch, Sara

Design and Development of Scheme Unit Testing Framework

Wentworth, Chris

Developing a Web-based Tutorial System for Physics Education

Wilfahrt, Rhett

Design and Testing of Parallel/Distributed Precedence Tree Scheduling