MICS 2006 - Friday, April 7
Registration - 11:00 Chapel auditorium
Opening session - 12:30-1:15 Chapel auditorium
Concurrent session - 1:30-3:00
A - International Room - Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Mark Fienup
Breutzmann, J. A Project-Oriented Organization for an Introductory Computational Science Course
Lopez, A. A Core Course on Systems for a Liberal Arts Curriculum
Tembe, E. Artificial Intelligence Using Natural Languages with Operational Research
B - Academic Resource Center - Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Joline Morrison
Lesniak, D., et. al. Traget Discrimination and Nuetralization as a Departmental Legacy Project
Stemler, L. Group Projects are Needed in the Information Systems Classes
McCoy, S. Evaluating Group Projects: Reducing the "End of the Semesters' Grading Blues"
C - Classroom 110 - Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Kenny Hunt
Paul, K. et. al. Bringing Aritificial Intelligence to Gaming
Pilling, S. Using Multiple Sensors in an Obstacle Avoidance Algorithm for Lego Mindstorm Robots
Peterson, J. & Marsh, R. Design of a Computer Animated Movie Generator GUI for Middle School-Aged Students
Zarns, K. & Marsh, R. RAYGL: An OpenGL to POVRAY API
D - Classroom 112 - Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Tom O'Neil
Nesheim, S. & Smith, M. Hierarchical Routing Using k-SPR
LaBelle, N. & Wallingford, E. Interpackage Dependency Networks in Open Source Software
Clark, R. Meeting Scheduler Using Mobile Agents
Skar, R. A New Look at the Standardiazation of Scientific Data
E - Classroom 116 - Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Dian Lopez
Reed, D., Kmock, J. What CS Departments Should know about AP Computer Science (Panel)
Break - 3:00-3:30 Posters in Classroom 114
Concurrent session - 3:30-5:30
A - International Room - Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Joline Morrison
Azarbod, C. & Roerig, J. Methodology for Implementing Homogeneous Federated Database System Using Microsoft SQL Server
Dollinger, R. Multilevel Grid Navigator for Visual Studio .NET
Morrison, M. .NET Framework Support for XML in the Database Curriculum
Lee, J. et. al. Towards Developing a Fuzzy Relational Medical Query System
B - Academic Resource Center - Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Thomas Gibbons
Hu, W., et. al. Palm OS Programming for Internet Enabled Mobile Hand-held Devices
Liu, J. The Impact of Mobility of Wireless Stations on the Efficiency of Wireless Routing Protocols in Ad Hoc Networks
Marsh, R. Webcasting: How to From Remote Locations
Liu, J. A Method of Fast Synchronizing Asynchronous Clocks in Distributed Applications
C - Classroom 110 - Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Andy Lopez
Bentz, N. & Ghosh, T. Network Performance Evaluation for Large Scale Development of Biometric Security
Toso, M. Combining Steganography and Zero-Knowledge Proofs to Imbed and Prove a Digitial Signature in an Image
Nguyen, T. & Wagner, P. Modular Web Framework: Software Automation
Giuliani, M. et. al. Investigating Database Security in a Networked Environment
D - Classroom 112 - Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Dian Lopez
Harron, T. Deriving Object-Oriented Designs from Functional Requirements
Braasch, D. Software Transfer: A Life or Death Issue
Lannoye D. et. al. Applying Software Engineering Principles in Developing Saftey-Critical Sofware Systems: A Class Project
Altmannsburger et. al. A Rational Unified Process Plug-in to Support Requirements Quality Assurance
BeVier, S. & Lembcke, S. Specialization of Java Generic Types
E - Classroom 116 - Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Philip East
McCoy, S. Computer literacy panel
Workshop - Library Computer Lab
Hummel, J. .NET workshop (first 25)
MICS 2006 - Saturday, April 8
Registration - 7:30 Student Union
Breakfast/Keynote - 8:00-9:15 Student Dining Center (upstairs in student union)
Concurrent session - 9:30-11:00
A - International Room - Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Ben Schafer
Vellinga, M. Using Alice to Introduce Computer Science Concepts in CS 1
Hill, C. The Importance of Alice
Rahman, S. & Juell, P. Improving Student's Program Quality in Programming Courses
B - Academic Resource Center - Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Joline Morrison
Iyengar, S. Experiences from the "Computers in Global Society" Course
deLaubenfels, T. Active Learning of Information Literacy and Intellectual Property Practices
Johnson, M. Writing in HTML: An Alternate Introductory Course to Comptuer Science
C - Classroom 110 - Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Mark Fienup
Hansen, T. & Zelle, J. Stereoscopic Visualizations of Medical Datasets
Nguyen, B. Hallway Simulations in Virtual Environments
Nykl, S. et. al. GPS Controlled Vehicle
Burda, et. Al. NTimeUnit: Testing Software with Respect to Execution Time
D - Classroom 112 - Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Dian Lopez
Willenbring, J. et. al. Improving Sparse Matrix-Vector Kernel Product Performance and Accessibility
Grow, J., et. al. Modeling with Mathematical Operational Research Technique: A Case Study of GWT Statistical Mean Theory Using the Visual Programming Languages
KC, L. Inversion Wave Propogation
Christiansen, E. et. al. On Meaning Preservation of a Calculus of Records
E - Classroom 116 - Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Thomas Gibbons
Symposium session - alternative approaches to CS curriculum
Break - 11:00-11:30 Posters can be viewed in classroom 114
Concurrent session - 11:30-1:00
A - International Room - Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Philip East
Dollinger, R. Using Discussion Groups in a Hybrid Course with D2L
Herriot, S. Instructing Digitial Imaging for the Web
Gilbert, A & Fintel, A. The Doane Roverbot Simulator v2.0
B - Academic Resource Center - Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Tom O'Neil
O'Neil, T. Language Lab Extensions for Deterministic Finite Automata
Liu, J. Characterizing the Load of a Single Server System
Hu, W., et. al. Client-Side Hand-held Computing and Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition
C - Classroom 110 - Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Thomas Gibbons
Brown, R. The Advanced Team Project Course, or How to Manage a Six-Ring Circus
Rosato, J. & Gibbons, T. Use of Design Patterns in Developing a Comprehensive Program Encouraging Women in Computing
Fan, Y. Design Patterns for Database Application Interfaces
D - Classroom 112 - Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Andy Lopez
Osmani, M. & Rahman, S. A Transacation Synchronization Protocol for XML Database in Web Architecture
Smith, B. & Tan, J. Efficient Adaptive Resource Management for Linux Systems
Sullivan, M. et. al. An Ethical Analysis of Video Game Regulation
Halfaker, A. Modular Application Process for Web Applications
E - Classroom 116 - Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Mark Fienup
Basu, S. & Rahman, S. Improving Optimistic Concurrency Control Using Hybrid Techniques of Snapshot Isolation and ROCC
Sabane, G. Recent Developments in High Performance FFT Algorithms and Architectures: A Learning Module for Undergraduate Algorithms and Architecture Courses
Pathangi, V. & Herath, H. High Performance Implementations of RSA Symmetric Key Algorithms