2006 - Friday, April 7 |
Registration - 11:00 |
Chapel auditorium |
Opening session - 12:30-1:15 |
Chapel auditorium |
Concurrent session -
1:30-3:00 |
A - International
Room - Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Mark Fienup |
Breutzmann, J. |
Project-Oriented Organization for an Introductory Computational Science
Course |
A. |
A Core Course on Systems for a
Liberal Arts Curriculum |
E. |
Artificial Intelligence Using
Natural Languages with Operational Research |
B - Academic
Resource Center - Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Joline Morrison |
Lesniak, D., et. al. |
Discrimination and Nuetralization as a Departmental Legacy Project |
Stemler, L. |
Group Projects are Needed in the
Information Systems Classes |
S. |
Evaluating Group Projects:
Reducing the "End of the Semesters' Grading Blues" |
C - Classroom 110 -
Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Kenny Hunt |
Paul, K. et. al. |
Aritificial Intelligence to Gaming |
S. |
Using Multiple Sensors in an
Obstacle Avoidance Algorithm for Lego Mindstorm Robots |
Peterson, J. & Marsh, R. |
Design of a Computer Animated
Movie Generator GUI for Middle School-Aged Students |
Zarns, K. & Marsh, R. |
D - Classroom 112 -
Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Tom O'Neil |
Nesheim, S. & Smith, M. |
Routing Using k-SPR |
LaBelle, N. &
Wallingford, E. |
Interpackage Dependency Networks
in Open Source Software |
R. |
Meeting Scheduler Using Mobile
Agents |
R. |
A New Look at the
Standardiazation of Scientific Data |
E - Classroom 116 -
Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Dian Lopez |
Reed, D.,
Kmock, J. |
What CS
Departments Should know about AP Computer Science (Panel) |
Break - 3:00-3:30 |
Posters in Classroom 114 |
Concurrent session -
3:30-5:30 |
A - International
Room - Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Joline Morrison |
Azarbod, C. & Roerig, J. |
Methodology for
Implementing Homogeneous Federated Database System Using Microsoft SQL Server |
Dollinger, R. |
Multilevel Grid Navigator for
Visual Studio .NET |
Morrison, M. |
.NET Framework Support for XML
in the Database Curriculum |
Lee, J. et. al. |
Towards Developing a Fuzzy
Relational Medical Query System |
B - Academic
Resource Center - Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Thomas Gibbons |
Hu, W., et. al. |
Palm OS
Programming for Internet Enabled Mobile Hand-held Devices |
J. |
The Impact of Mobility of
Wireless Stations on the Efficiency of Wireless Routing Protocols in Ad Hoc
Networks |
R. |
Webcasting: How to From Remote
Locations |
J. |
A Method of Fast Synchronizing
Asynchronous Clocks in Distributed Applications |
C - Classroom 110 -
Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Andy Lopez |
Bentz, N. & Ghosh, T. |
Performance Evaluation for Large Scale Development of Biometric Security |
Toso, M. |
Combining Steganography and
Zero-Knowledge Proofs to Imbed and Prove a Digitial Signature in an Image |
Nguyen, T. & Wagner, P. |
Modular Web Framework: Software
Automation |
Giuliani, M. et. al. |
Investigating Database Security
in a Networked Environment |
D - Classroom 112 -
Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Dian Lopez |
Harron, T. |
Object-Oriented Designs from Functional Requirements |
Braasch, D. |
Software Transfer: A Life or
Death Issue |
Lannoye D. et.
al. |
Applying Software Engineering
Principles in Developing Saftey-Critical Sofware Systems: A Class Project |
Altmannsburger et. al. |
A Rational Unified Process
Plug-in to Support Requirements Quality Assurance |
BeVier, S. &
Lembcke, S. |
Specialization of Java Generic
Types |
E - Classroom 116 -
Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Philip East |
McCoy, S. |
literacy panel |
Workshop - Library
Computer Lab |
Hummel, J. |
.NET workshop
(first 25) |
2006 - Saturday, April 8 |
Registration - 7:30 |
Student Union |
Breakfast/Keynote - 8:00-9:15 |
Student Dining Center (upstairs
in student union) |
Concurrent session
- 9:30-11:00 |
A - International
Room - Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Ben Schafer |
Vellinga, M. |
Using Alice to
Introduce Computer Science Concepts in CS 1 |
C. |
The Importance of Alice |
Rahman, S. & Juell, P. |
Improving Student's Program
Quality in Programming Courses |
B - Academic
Resource Center - Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Joline Morrison |
Iyengar, S. |
Experiences from
the "Computers in Global Society" Course |
deLaubenfels, T. |
Active Learning of Information
Literacy and Intellectual Property Practices |
M. |
Writing in HTML: An Alternate
Introductory Course to Comptuer Science |
C - Classroom 110 -
Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Mark Fienup |
Hansen, T. & Zelle, J. |
Visualizations of Medical Datasets |
Nguyen, B. |
Hallway Simulations in Virtual
Environments |
Nykl, S. et. al. |
GPS Controlled Vehicle |
Burda, et. Al. |
NTimeUnit: Testing Software with
Respect to Execution Time |
D - Classroom 112 -
Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Dian Lopez |
Willenbring, J. et. al. |
Improving Sparse
Matrix-Vector Kernel Product Performance and Accessibility |
Grow, J., et. al. |
Modeling with Mathematical
Operational Research Technique: A Case Study of GWT Statistical Mean Theory
Using the Visual Programming Languages |
L. |
Inversion Wave Propogation |
Christiansen, E. et.
al. |
On Meaning Preservation of a
Calculus of Records |
E - Classroom 116 -
Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Thomas Gibbons |
Symposium session - alternative approaches to CS curriculum |
Break - 11:00-11:30 |
Posters can be viewed in
classroom 114 |
Concurrent session
- 11:30-1:00 |
A - International
Room - Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Philip East |
Dollinger, R. |
Using Discussion
Groups in a Hybrid Course with D2L |
S. |
Instructing Digitial Imaging for
the Web |
Gilbert, A & Fintel, A. |
The Doane Roverbot Simulator
v2.0 |
B - Academic
Resource Center - Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Tom O'Neil |
O'Neil, T. |
Language Lab
Extensions for Deterministic Finite Automata |
J. |
Characterizing the Load of a
Single Server System |
Hu, W., et. al. |
Client-Side Hand-held Computing
and Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition |
C - Classroom 110 -
Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Thomas Gibbons |
Brown, R. |
The Advanced
Team Project Course, or How to Manage a Six-Ring Circus |
Rosato, J. & Gibbons, T. |
Use of Design Patterns in
Developing a Comprehensive Program Encouraging Women in Computing |
Fan, Y. |
Design Patterns for Database
Application Interfaces |
D - Classroom 112 -
Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Andy Lopez |
Osmani, M. & Rahman, S. |
A Transacation
Synchronization Protocol for XML Database in Web Architecture |
Smith, B. & Tan, J. |
Efficient Adaptive Resource
Management for Linux Systems |
Sullivan, M. et. al. |
An Ethical Analysis of Video
Game Regulation |
Halfaker, A. |
Modular Application Process for
Web Applications |
E - Classroom 116 -
Chadwick Library - Session Chair: Mark Fienup |
Basu, S. & Rahman, S. |
Optimistic Concurrency Control Using Hybrid Techniques of Snapshot Isolation
and ROCC |
G. |
Recent Developments in High
Performance FFT Algorithms and Architectures: A Learning Module for
Undergraduate Algorithms and Architecture Courses |
Pathangi, V. & Herath,
H. |
High Performance Implementations
of RSA Symmetric Key Algorithms |