Proceedings of the 42nd

Midwest Instruction and Computing Symposium (MICS 2009)

April 17-18, 2009

South Dakota School of Mines and Technology


Concurrent Session I                                    Friday April 17                                                10-11:30a.m.


Student Projects                                      Room: CB 309                      Chair:

10:00 am

Mammoth Site Interactive Map Kiosk Software

Caleb Spronk

10:20 am

The Mars Rover Mockup

Paul Dadah

10:45 am

Multi-computer Virtual Whiteboard

Nick Walker

11:05 am

ARMbot Suite Integration

Brad Riske


Programming Languages                      Room: CB 203                      Chair:

10:00 am

Effects of generic types specialization on program behavior

Jeremy Bleichner

10:20 am

Use of profilers for studying Java dynamic optimizations

Kevin Arhelger

10:45 am

Implementation of an Optimal Matrix-Chain Product Exploiting Matrix Specialization

Swetha Kukkala

11:05 am

Practicing Gaussian Elimination in a Java Applet

J. C. Bugner


Web Technologies                               Room: CB 205                        Chair: Antonette Logar

10:00 am

Wisconsin Badger Camp Registration System

Adam Rossmiller

10:20 am

Assessing the Effectiveness of the Model View Controller Architecture for Creating Web Applications

Nick Heidke

10:45 am

A General Purpose Online Survey Generation Tool

Jaelle Scheuerman

11:05 am

Usage of a Web-Based Factorial Experiment Testing System (FETS)

Nem Schlecht


Curriculum and Recruitment               Room: CB 206                      Chair: Edward Corwin

10:00 am

The Studio Approach to Liberal Arts Computer Science

James Bohy

10.30 am

The Capstone Experience: Trials of a Joint Capstone Class for Computer Information Systems and Computer Science Majors

Shaun Lynch

11.00 am

Using Recursive Java Generics to Support Code Reuse in the CS2 Course

Andrew Holey

Concurrent Session II                                    Friday April 17                                                1-2:30p.m.


Computer Systems                                     Room: CB 309                       Chair:

1:00 pm

Using Recycled Computers to Construct a Beowulf Cluster for Molecular Modeling

Creston Fleming

1:20 pm

Visualizing Global Satellite Images Downloading Requests

Joshua Job

1:45 pm

Exploring Cache Optimization for Bioinformatics Applications

Shannon Dybvig

2:05 pm

Wiimote Interfaces for Graphical Computer Models

Spencer Herzberg


Panel Discussions                                       Room: CB 330               Moderator: Val Manes

1:00 pm

Restoring the Popularity of Computer Science: Curriculum adjustments, paradigms shifts, and marketing strategies to increase interest in Information Technology 

Marcia Entwistle

1:45 pm

Assessment of Undergraduate Computer Science

James Bohy


Classroom Innovation and Management     Room: CB 203                Chair:

1:00 pm

Detecting Academic Dishonesty in Office 2007 Assignments

Don Gable

1:30 pm

Virtual DUSEL (vDUSEL) The Online Educational Project for Sanford Center for Science Education

Stephen Krebsbach

2:00 pm

Using Technologies to Enhance CS1 Distance Learning

Mark S. Hall


Algorithms                                                  Room: CB 205                Chair:

1:00 pm

Top 10 Guidelines (More or Less) for Making Good Oral Presentations

John Weiss

1:20 pm

A Graphical User Interface for Analysis of Friction Stir Welds

Michael Janes

1:45 pm

Determining Critical Regions to Empirically Verify Thresholds within the Partitioning Problem

Scott Kerlin

2:05 pm

Artificial Neural Network Evolutionary Algorithm (ANNEVA)

Tyler Haugen


Networks  and OS                                      Room: CB 206                  Chair: Ziliang Zong

 1:00 pm

Implementation of the Multi-Threading Support Framework of A User-level Transport Mechanism

Yong Lai

 1:20 pm

Implementation of the Deadline-based Selective Retransmission For Maintaining Low End-to-End Delays

Suhas Lande

 1:45 pm

Impediments to Ubiquitous, Free Computing

Collin Anderson

 2:05 pm

Remote Disk Caching

Joshua Job



Concurrent Session III                                    Saturday April 18                                                8:30-10:00a.m.


Algorithms                                            Room: CB 309                     Chair:

8:30 am

A Virtual Laboratory for Study of Algorithms

Thomas O’Neil

9:00 am

From NP to P Musings on a Programming Contest Problem

Edward Corwin

9:30 am

Error Correcting Codes and Finite Projective Planes

Patrick Fleming


Programming Languages                      Room: CB 330                     Chair:

8:30 am

Design and Implementation Issues In Developing An Online Tool Repository

Jordan Ritz

9:00 am

Pattern matching in concatenative programming languages

Daniel Ehrenberg

9:30 am

Visualizing Mars in Java3D

James Juett


Artificial Intelligence                           Room: CB 203                        Chair: John Weiss

8:30 am

Continuous-Wave Stepped-Frequency Radar for Target Ranging and Motion Detection

John Weiss

9:00 am

Genetic Algorithms and Sudoku

John Weiss

9:30 am

Decentralized Proof-of-Effort Bonds for Spam Control

Edward Taylor


Network                                                 Room: CB 205                      Chair:

8:30 am

A Case Study of Botnet Attacks against Linux Systems

James Yu

9:00 am

A Data Manager to Multicast UAS IDS Data to Multiple IDSs

Ron Marsh

9:30 am

Using KERBEROS to Harden the Active Directory System (LDAP) in a Domain Used to Support Grid/Clustering Activity

Dennis Guster


Poster Session                                           Room: CB 206                          Chair:

8:30 am – 10:00 am

What should the format of an introductory computer science course be that includes non-majoring and undeclared students?

Shana Watters

The Simplex Method Cycles

Anne Hillebrand

Live-and-Tell language-sharing system

Biagio Arobba

Real-Time Fuzzy Logic Controllers for Autonomous Robot Navigation with U-Shaped Obstacles

Nian Zhang





Concurrent Session IV                                    Saturday April 18                                                10:30-noon.


Panel Discussion                                    Room : CB 309               Moderator:

10:30 am

Addressing the Conflicting Needs of an Introductory Computer Science Course

Shana Watters

11:15 am

Establishing Standards for Delivering Online Undergraduate Courses: Lessons from the Trenches

Gail Hodge


Pedagogical Techniques                        Room : CB 203                      Chair:

10:30 am

A Peer Review System to Enhance Collaborative Learning

Brandon Holt

11:00 am

Using Robotics to Excite Students about Computer Science

Rob Robinson

11:30 am

Captured Presentations for Online Learning

Curt Hill


Research Presentations                         Room: CB 205                        Chair:

10:30 am

Detecting Wormholes in Friction Stir Welds from Welding Feedback Data

Antonette Logar

11:00 am

Efficient and Effective Practical Algorithms for the Set-Covering Problem

Qi Yang

11:30 am

Real-Time Feature Detection Using the Hough Transform

John Weiss


Artificial Intelligence                          Room: CB 206                        Chair:

10:30 am

Symbolic Computation using Grammatical Evolution

Alan Christianson

11:00 am

Web Content Adaptation for Internet-Enabled Mobile Handheld Devices

Wen-Chen Hu

11:30 am

Agent Smith: An Application of Neural Networks to Directing Intelligent Agents in a Game Environment

Tyler Haugen




The Organizing Committee for MICS 2009 thanks to our sponsors; keynote speaker; faculty presenters and volunteers; attendees; student presenters and volunteers; the staff of the Educational Program; the chair, faculty and staff of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science; MICS Steering Committee, and the school administration for the support to this symposium. We hope our visitors have a great stay in the Black Hills, and the attendees enjoy the symposium.