for the 46th Midwest Instruction and Computing Symposium (MICS 2013)
by the Computer Science Department at the University of Wisconsin – La Crosse
19-20, 2013


Paper Presentations
- Charles Goetzman and Jeff Fancher: Soft processors for
microcontroller programming education
- Arpan Jani:
Extending and evaluating
a case study based exercise in a systems analysis and design course
- Jeffrey Westphal and Peter
Bui: Scalable
Distributed Image Transcoding using Python-WorkQueue
- Nicholas Jaeger and Peter Bui: To the Cloud and Back: A
Distributed Photo Processing Pipeline
- Dennis Guster, Andres O'Brien
and Laura Lebentritt: Can A Decentralized Storage
System Structure Such As Cassandra Provide An Effective Means Of Speeding
Up Web Access Times?
- Jahnavi Priyadarshini
V H Srikoo and Johng Chern: Achieving Anonymity and
Traceability in Wireless Mesh Networks with a Secured Architectural Design
- Thomas O'Neil: An Empirical Study of
Algorithms for the Subset Sum Problem
- John Emmons, Steven Johnson, Timothy Urness and Adina Kilpatrick: Automated Assignment of
Backbone NMR Data using Artificial Intelligence
- Tylene Kreykes:
Journalism iOS RSS Reader
- Nathan Little and Nick Vaccaro:
A Revolution Simulation
- Toyin Osunkoya
and Johng-Chern Chern:
Human-Computer-Interaction Using Kinect for Windows Mouse Control and
PowerPoint Presentation
- Isaiah Snell-Feikema, Devin
Moody, Miles Gase, Yi Liu and Wei Wang: Designed for Flexibility:
Design and Implementation of the Agricultural Sensor User Interface
- Wen-Chen Hu, Naima Kaabouch, Hung-Jen Yang and Xiwei
Wang: Location-Based
Services Using HTML5 Geolocation and Google Maps
- Isaac Schemm, Zachary
Forster, David Spiegel, Matthew Wisby, Joline Morrison and Mike Morrison: Evaluating Code Reuse When
Porting a Desktop Application to the Web
- Isaiah Snell-Feikema, Yi Liu
and Michael Wimberly: Design and Implementation
of the EASTWeb System
- Jeremy Straub, Joshua Berk
and Christoffer Korvald:
a Student Space Program
- Ronald Marsh, Yong Lai and Kirk Ogaard:
Aerospace Aircraft
Display System
- Nao Hiranuma,
Jason Cohn and Sherri Goings: The Effect of Communication
on Evolving Cooperative Behavior Among Robotic Predators
- Zhicheng Fu: Automated Data Extraction
System for Handwritten Student Information Cards
- Brad Schell and Kasi Periyasamy: Semantic Analysis of Public
Health Information
- J. Philip East and Stephen B. Hughes: An Experience Report of Our
Teaching Visual BASIC using a Problem-Oriented Approach
- Scott Kerlin: Designing a SCALE-UP Style
Instructional Computer Lab
- Sherri Harms, John Hastings and Marilyn Jussel: Assessing Writing in
Computer Science Bachelor of Science Degree Programs
- Washington Helps and Emanuel Grant: Crowdsourcing Curriculum
- Drew Waltner, Wei Wang and
Mark Kolecka: Design and Implementation
of an IP-based Wireless Trolling System
- Erich Rice, James Redman, Sen
Han, Richard Anderson, Benjamin Paulson and Joel Schwarting:
Can A Distributed Key
System Broken Up Over Multiple Nodes Provide Greater Security Robustness
While Meeting System Performance Requirements?
- Mao Zheng and Hao Fan: Presenting Android
Development in the CS Curriculum
- Shaun Lynch: Automating Computing
Infrastructure Configuration with Emphasis on System-Level Design and
Panel Presentations
Presentations and Demos
- Jeremy Straub, Christoffer Korvald, Tyler Hill and Joshua Berk:
An Expert System for
Spacecraft Design
- Douglas MacFarland and Joshua
Hursey: Discovering Network Topologies in HPC
- James Felton, Adam Al-Ibrahim, Peter Bui and Chris
Johnson: Distributed
Graphical Visualizations on a Bramble of Raspberry Pis
- Jack Hessel and Sherri
Goings: Evolving Multicellularity in Digital Organisms through
Reproductive Altruism
- Lucinda Caughey and Joshua
Smith: How an active
Computer Science Club can Heighten Student Proficiency
- Brian-Thomas Rogers, Aliena
Rogers, Colin Kautz, Joshua Smith and Lucinda Caughey: Introducing the Principles
of Cyber Security at an Undergraduate Level
- Jonathan Juett and Andrew Reisner: Making Artwork Come Alive with Artificial
Intelligence – An Immersive Experience
- Donovan Torgerson, Christoffer Korvald, Jeremy
Straub and Joshua Berk: The Development of Operating
Software for an OPEN Small Spacecraft
- Kyle Goehner, Christoffer Korvald, Jeremy
Straub and Ronald Marsh: The
Development of Payload Software for a Small Spacecraft
- Michael Haugrud: Using Team Foundation
Service in a Software Engineering Course
- David Hahn and Marty Allen: Improving Multi-Agent
Reinforcement Learning by Adding a "Cry for Help"