Student Contests

MICS 2024 will have both a programming contest and a robotics contest for students to compete in. Any students who wants to participate in a contest must register for the conference.

Programming Contest

Student teams of up to 3 students will compete against each other to solve a set of programming problems. Conference and contest registration is required, and the number of accepted teams may be limited, so be sure to register your team early. Each team must be accompanied by a registered faculty coach who is willing to act as a contest judge. After each team member and coach is registered for the conference, register your team by emailing with your team name and student names with email addresses. Cash awards will be presented to the top teams Saturday.

Rules for the Programming Contest can be found here.

Robotics Contest

Student teams will build and program robots to compete in Sumo wrestling tournament.  Conference and contest registration is required.  After each team member is registered for the conference, register your team by emailing with your team name and student names with email addresses. Cash awards will be presented to the top teams. 

Rules for the Robotics Contest can be found here.

Robotics Contest is Sponsored By Digi-Key Electronics