29th Annual Midwest Instruction and Computing Symposium
April 18-20, 1996
St. Cloud State University
College of St. Benedict
St. Johns University

Table Of Contents

An Alumni Directory on the World Wide Web

Robert C. Gammill. North Dakota State University

C++ in CS1: Reconciling Two Diverse Approaches

James P. Kelsh and Rogert Y. Lee. Central Michigan University

Collaborating Across the Curriculum: The Making of a Short Animated Feature

Andrew Yost and Mary P. Freier. Dakota State University

Computer-based Training(CBT) in the Squad Car

Barb Gengler. St. Cloud State University

A Course in Visual Programming

Rhonda Ficek. Moorhead State University

Design Criteria for Offering a College Course in an Interactive Computer Mediated Communication Environment(CD ROM based)

John Wasson. Moorhead State University

Distance Education Using the Internet

Brian M. Carlson. Dakota State University

Developing Instructional Laboratory Materials with Multimedia Components for an Introductory Computer Science Course

Janet Hartman and William E. Swafford. Illinois State University

An Effective and Inexpensive Guide to Example Visualization

Martin J. Maskarinec. Bradley University

Effects of Computer Presentation on Recognition

Kimberly A. Schulz and Leslie Valdes. St. Cloud State University

Emerging Technologies for Distance Education

Ronald J. Vetter, Veng-Ly Tong and Paul Juell. North Dakota State University

Email: One Professor's Solution for Staying Connected on Campus or Abroad

Christine A. MacFarlane. University of Northern Iowa

The Enhanced IAS Machine and Pseudo-Assembler for a Course in Computer Organization and Assembly Language

Kathleen Neumann. Western Illinois University

Panel: Ethical Issues in Teaching Computer Science: A Dialog

Adel Abunawass, Kathleen Neumann and Marshall Bowen. Western Illinois University; Annette Schoenberger and Theresia Fisher. St. Cloud State University

An Examination of Electronic Discussion Groups in a University Setting

Leslie Valdes and Charles Jazwinski. St. Cloud State University

A Friendly Introduction to ADT's and Algorithms: Experience at Various Levels

Suzanne M. Sharrock. University of St. Thomas

General MIDI Device Support for the PC-Xinu Operating System to Share Music Studio Resources in a Networked Environment

Timothy Fossum. University of Wisconsin-Parkside

A Genetic Algorithm Demonstration Using VT100 Graphics and the Rectlinear Steiner Problem

Bryant Julstrom. St. Cloud State University

A Genetic Algorithm That Illustrates Its Progress on the Traveling Salesman Problem

Bryant Julstrom and Richard Mowe. St. Cloud State University

Group Projects in a Senior Level Database Course

Robert Matthews. University of Puget Sound

Implementing Abstract Classes with an Inverted Inheritance Hierarchy in C++

Andrew J. Holey. St. John's University

Information Technology Support Services: Crisis or Opportunity

Mike Yohe. University of Northern Iowa

Instructional Labs: Pluses and Minuses

Najmi Junaid. St. Cloud State University

Integrating High Speed Switches Into Existing Networks as a Means of Bridging to the 100 mbs World

Dennis Guster. St. Cloud State University

Intellectual Property Rights in the Information Age

Corey M. Maiers. St. Cloud State University

Internet Personal Communication with Voice Mail

Thomas Sidener, Michael Lancaster and Ted Mims. University of Illinois-Springfield

Internet Robotics

David J. Robaczewski. University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

Interview Strategy for Development with an Industrial Case Study

Janet Drake. University of Northern Iowa

Juggling in Three Dimension: Mathematics, Computer Science and Art

Mary P. Freier, Rick Simmons and Brian M. Carlson. Dakota State University

Jump Starting Multimedia in Your Classroom

Jim Ross, Sandy Sprafka and Nancy Lilleberg. North Dakota State University

Low Cost Video Conferencing Using Free BSD Video Capture Drivers

Mark Tinguely. North Dakota State University

Managing A Distributed Computing System by Utilizing NIS/NFS and PERL with LINUX Operating System

Ted Mims and Albert Zhong. University of Illinois-Springfield

Modem Access: An Ongoing Re-evaluation

Catherine Roraff. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

Network Dream of the '90's--ATM Networks

Andy Lopez. University of Minnesota-Morris

North Dakota State University's WWW Instructional Project

Paul Juell and Jim Ross. North Dakota State University

Optimizing the World Wide Web for Your Campuswide Information System

Justin Wampach. St. Cloud State University

A Parallel Implementation of Romberg Integration

Rod Waltermann. Mankato State University

Particles of a Sphere-A Specimen Multidisciplinary Problem

Timothy Rolfe. Dakota State University

The Pitfalls and Pratfalls of Teaching on the Internet

John H. Laflin. Dakota State University

Real-Time Audio and Video Communications on the Internet

Michael Bauer and Jerome Gustafson. St. Cloud State University

Panel: The Role of Programming in the First Computer Literacy Course

Eric Jaede and Robert Raymond. St. Thomas University; Andy Lopez. University of Minnesota-Morris

Scalability of the M Bone

Paul Juell and Ronald J. Vetter. North Dakota State University; Dan Brekke. Moorhead State University

Teaching Programming Through Patterning

Phillip J. East. University of Northern Iowa

Teaching Undergraduate Parallel Program Design

Mark Fienup. University of Northern Iowa

Panel: Transforming Teacher Education Through Technology

Kim Schulze, Leslie Davison and Beverly Kochmann. St. Cloud State University; Chris MacFarlane. University of Northern Iowa

Panel: Untangling the Web: Building and Managing a Campuswide Web Server

Susan Gammill. Concordia College; William Doyle. Bethel College; Betsy Draper. North Dakota State University. Marcy Vail. University of St. Thomas

Panel: The Use of Computer Labs in the Undergraduate Computer Science Curriculum

Philip Rose. Carroll College; Dian Lopez. University of Minnesota-Morris; Eugene Wallingford. University of Northern Iowa; Andrew J. Holey. St. John's University; Gary Lewandowski. Xavier University

The Use of Multimedia of Incorporating Assistive Technology on Campus

Nancy Lilleberg. North Dakota State University

The Use of WWW Support in the Classroom

Paul Juell, Tom Barnhart and Ross Collins. North Dakota State University

Using Computer Technology as An Analytical Tool in Business Management Classes

James Partridge. St. John's University

Using Lego Robots in High School Programming Courses

Ryan T. Metko. University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

Using Neural Networks for Load Planning in a Medium Sized Police Department

Randy Weinberg and Barb Gengler. St. Cloud State University

Using the World Wide Web for Course Support

Val G. Tareski. North Dakota State University

Using the World Wide Web to Teach Psychology in a Networked Computer Classroom

Chris Jazwinski, Leslie Valdes, and John Larson. St. Cloud State University

Web Site Development for Small Business Innovation Research

Kimberly Roth, Brian M. Carlson, and Melvin Ustad. Dakota State University

Panel: Which Language/Paradigm for Computer Science I

Karen Sutherland. University of Wisconsin-La Crosse; Steve Shum. Augustana College; Max Hailperin. Gustavus Adolphus College; Janet Drake. University of Northern Iowa; David Riley. University of Wisconsin-La Crosse; Annette Schoenberger. St. Cloud State University

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